anaconda exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 363, in systemMounted fsset.filesystemSpace(chroot)[0][0]) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 922, in doInitialSetup if self.ayum.systemMounted (, anaconda.rootPath): File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 198, in doRepoSetup if anaconda.backend.doInitialSetup(anaconda) == DISPATCH_BACK: File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 208, in moveStep rc = stepFunc(self.anaconda) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 131, in gotoNext self.moveStep() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/", line 702, in run anaconda.dispatch.gotoNext() File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 1066, in IndexError: list index out of range Local variables in innermost frame: stage2img: /mnt/source/images/stage2.img self: chroot: /mnt/sysimage fsset: Anaconda instance, containing members: rescue_mount: True intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members: intf.screen: SnackScreen instance, containing members: intf.screen.width: 80 intf.screen.helpCb: > intf.screen.height: 25 intf.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members: intf.instLanguage.targetLang: None intf.instLanguage.default: en_US.UTF-8 intf.instLanguage.displayMode: t intf.instLanguage.current: en_US.UTF-8 intf.showingHelpOnHelp: 0 rescue: False updateSrc: None mediaDevice: None methodstr: dispatch: rootPath: /mnt/sysimage isKickstart: False _loaderMethodstr: id: InstallData instance, containing members: id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members: id.firewall.portlist: [22:tcp] id.firewall.trustdevs: [] id.firewall.enabled: 1 id.anaconda: Already dumped id.upgradeRoot: None id.xsetup: XSetup instance, containing members: id.xsetup.skipx: 0 id.xsetup.xserver: XServer instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.videohw: primary: 0 vidCards: [] Primary Video Card Info: device: None driver : nv descr : nVidia Corporation G70GL [Quadro FX 4500] vidRam: None id.xsetup.xserver.serverflags: [vt6, -config, /tmp/XConfig.test, -s, 1440, -dpms, -v, -ac, -nolisten, tcp] id.xsetup.xserver.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xserver.root: / id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate: XF86HardwareState instance, containing members: id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIFn: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor: monName: None monID: Unprobed Monitor monHoriz: None monVert: None physicalWidth: 0 physicalHeight: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.config_resolutions: [] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_name: nVidia Corporation G70GL [Quadro FX 4500] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor_name: Unknown monitor id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard: Already dumped id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_driver: nv id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_options: [] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.all_resolutions: [640x480, 800x480, 800x512, 800x600, 848x480, 854x480, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1152x768, 1152x864, 1200x900, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1280x854, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1400x900, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536, 2560x1600] id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.hsync: 31.5-37.9 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.vsync: 50-70 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.probed_video_ram: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIBus: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.colordepth: 24 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIDev: None id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.resolution: 800x600 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.dri_enabled: 0 id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.xconfig: None id.xsetup.xserver.monitorhw: Already dumped id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard: None id.xsetup.xserver.mousehw: None id.xsetup.xserver.defaultdepth: 24 id.xsetup.xserver.logfile: /dev/null id.xsetup.xserver.config: None id.xsetup.xserver.display: :9 id.xsetup.anaconda: Already dumped id.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us} id.keyboard.type: PC id.keyboard.beenset: 0 id.keyboard._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members: id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members: id.timezone.utc: True Pacific/Honolulu id.zfcp: ZFCP instance, containing members: id.zfcp.hasReadConfig: True id.zfcp.fcpdevs: [] id.upgrade: None id.monitor: Already dumped id.iscsi: id.methodstr: id.fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members: id.fsset.messageWindow: > id.fsset.volumesCreated: 1 id.fsset.progressWindow: > id.fsset.migratedfs: 1 id.fsset.waitWindow: > id.fsset.entries: [fsentry -- device: sdc6 mountpoint: / fsystem: ext3 format: 1 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: / fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sdc9 mountpoint: /home fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: /home fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sda2 mountpoint: /boot fsystem: ext2 format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: /boot fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: shm mountpoint: /dev/shm fsystem: tmpfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: devpts mountpoint: /dev/pts fsystem: devpts format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'gid=5,mode=620' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sys mountpoint: /sys fsystem: sysfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: proc mountpoint: /proc fsystem: proc format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sda3 mountpoint: None fsystem: ntfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sdb1 mountpoint: None fsystem: ntfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None , fsentry -- device: sdc5 mountpoint: swap fsystem: swap format: 0 ismounted: 1 options: 'defaults' label: None fsprofile: None ] id.fsset.mountcount: 6 id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: {} id.desktop.runlevel: 3 id.rootParts: [('/dev/sdc6', 'ext3', 'Momonga Linux 5', '/'), ('/dev/sdc8', 'ext3', 'Momonga Linux 4', '/sdc10')] id.x_already_set: 0 id.backend: YumBackend instance, containing members: id.backend.modeText: id.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage id.backend.skipFormatRoot: False id.backend.instLog: None id.backend.supportsUpgrades: True id.backend.supportsPackageSelection: True id.firstboot: 0 id.diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members: id.diskset.initializedDisks: {'sda': True, 'sdb': True, 'sdc': True} id.diskset.disks: {'sda': , 'sdb': , 'sdc': } id.diskset.anaconda: Already dumped id.diskset.onlyPrimary: None id.users: None id.displayMode: t id.auth: --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 id.ksdata: None id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members: id.bootloader._configdir: /boot/grub id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0 id.bootloader.above1024: 1 id.bootloader.defaultDevice: None id.bootloader.pure: None id.bootloader.serialDevice: None id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members: id.bootloader.args.args: id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/ id.bootloader.timeout: None id.bootloader._configname: grub.conf id.bootloader.device: sda id.bootloader.kickstart: 0 id.bootloader.serialOptions: None id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1 id.bootloader._drivelist: [sda, sdb, sdc] id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members: id.bootloader.images.default: sdc6 id.bootloader.images.images: {'sda3': ('Other', 'Other', 'ntfs'), 'sdc6': ('linux', 'Momonga', 'ext3')} id.bootloader.serial: 0 id.bootloader.password: None id.bootloader.forceLBA32: False id.extraModules: [] Network instance, containing members: *** True {'eth0': DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST=***.***.***.*** HWADDR=**:**:**:**:**:** IPADDR=***.***.***.*** NETMASK=***.***.***.*** NETWORK=***.***.***.*** ONBOOT=yes } ***.***.***.*** eth0 1 [***] ***.***.***.*** ***.***.***.*** id.instClass: id.partitions: Partitions instance, containing members: id.partitions.useFdisk: 0 id.partitions.isKickstart: 0 id.partitions.globalPassphrase: id.partitions.autoClearPartType: 0 id.partitions.autoEncryptPass: id.partitions.nextUniqueID: 13 id.partitions.reinitializeDisks: 0 id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives: [] id.partitions.protected: [] id.partitions.useAutopartitioning: 1 id.partitions.anaconda: Already dumped id.partitions.zeroMbr: 0 id.partitions.encryptedDevices: {} id.partitions.requests: [PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None fsprofile: None resizable: True format: None migrate: None origfstype: ext2FileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 1 ext2 origfstype.migratetofs: [ext3] origfstype.deviceArguments: {fsset.RAIDDevice: } origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.resizable: True origfstype.fsprofile: None origfstype.needProgram: None origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.fsProfileSpecifier: -T origfstype.packages: [e2fsprogs] origfstype.supportsFsProfiles: True origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None fsopts: None preexist: 1 fslabel: /boot uniqueID: 2 device: sda2 mountpoint: /boot requestSize: 133.352050781 grow: 0 size: 133.352050781 targetSize: None end: 385559 encryption: None drive: sda dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.isSetup: 0 dev.deviceOptions: dev.crypto: None dev.label: None dev.device: sda2 dev.doLabel: 1 maxSizeMB: None start: 112455 protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 133.0 multidrive: None ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 fstype: Already dumped , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: None primary: None drive: sdc dev: None uniqueID: 7 mountpoint: None requestSize: 300465.703125 size: 300465.703125 end: 625137344 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 9783585 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: None preexist: 1 device: sdc2 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: None protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 300465.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None fsprofile: None resizable: True format: None migrate: None origfstype: ext3FileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 1 ext3 origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.resizable: True origfstype.fsprofile: None origfstype.needProgram: None origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.fsProfileSpecifier: -T origfstype.packages: [e2fsprogs] origfstype.supportsFsProfiles: True origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [-j] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None fsopts: None preexist: 1 fslabel: /home uniqueID: 12 device: sdc9 mountpoint: /home requestSize: 232048.226074 grow: 0 size: 232048.226074 targetSize: None end: 625137344 encryption: None drive: sdc dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.isSetup: 0 dev.deviceOptions: dev.crypto: None dev.label: None dev.device: sdc9 dev.doLabel: 1 maxSizeMB: None start: 149902578 protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 232048.0 multidrive: None ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 fstype: Already dumped , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: FATFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 0 vfat origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 0 origfstype.resizable: False origfstype.fsprofile: None origfstype.needProgram: None origfstype.maxSizeMB: 1048576 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: umask=0077,shortname=winnt origfstype.fsProfileSpecifier: None origfstype.packages: [dosfstools] origfstype.supportsFsProfiles: False origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None drive: sda dev: None uniqueID: 1 mountpoint: None requestSize: 54.87890625 size: 54.87890625 end: 112454 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 63 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sda1 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: DellUtility protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 54.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: NTFSFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 0 ntfs origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 0 origfstype.resizable: True origfstype.fsprofile: None origfstype.needProgram: None origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.fsProfileSpecifier: None origfstype.packages: [] origfstype.supportsFsProfiles: False origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 0 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None drive: sda dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.isSetup: 0 dev.deviceOptions: dev.crypto: None dev.label: None dev.device: sda3 dev.doLabel: 1 uniqueID: 3 mountpoint: None requestSize: 76104.7998047 size: 76104.7998047 end: 156248189 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 385560 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sda3 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: None protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 76104.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: Already dumped primary: None drive: sdb dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.isSetup: 0 dev.deviceOptions: dev.crypto: None dev.label: None dev.device: sdb1 dev.doLabel: 1 uniqueID: 4 mountpoint: None requestSize: 71531.578125 size: 71531.578125 end: 146496734 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 63 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sdb1 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: None protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 71531.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None fsprofile: None resizable: True format: 1 migrate: 0 origfstype: Already dumped primary: None fsopts: None preexist: 1 fslabel: / uniqueID: 9 device: sdc6 mountpoint: / requestSize: 19547.8110352 grow: 0 size: 19547.8110352 targetSize: None end: 69834554 encryption: None drive: sdc dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.isSetup: 0 dev.deviceOptions: dev.crypto: None dev.label: None dev.device: sdc6 dev.doLabel: 1 maxSizeMB: None start: 29800638 protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 19547.0 multidrive: None ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 fstype: Already dumped , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: swapFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 0 swap origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.resizable: False origfstype.fsprofile: None origfstype.needProgram: None origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: 1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.fsProfileSpecifier: None origfstype.packages: [] origfstype.supportsFsProfiles: False origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: origfstype.maxLabelChars: 15 primary: None drive: sdc dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.isSetup: 0 dev.deviceOptions: dev.crypto: None dev.label: None dev.device: sdc5 dev.doLabel: 1 uniqueID: 8 mountpoint: None requestSize: 9773.89013672 size: 9773.89013672 end: 29800574 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 9783648 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sdc5 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: None protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 9773.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: Already dumped primary: None drive: sdc dev: None uniqueID: 11 mountpoint: None requestSize: 19547.8110352 size: 19547.8110352 end: 149902514 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 109868598 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sdc8 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: /sdc10 protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 19547.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: Already dumped primary: None drive: sdc dev: None uniqueID: 10 mountpoint: None requestSize: 19547.8110352 size: 19547.8110352 end: 109868534 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 69834618 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sdc7 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: None protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 19547.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: Already dumped primary: None drive: sdc dev: None uniqueID: 6 mountpoint: None requestSize: 4777.140625 size: 4777.140625 end: 9783584 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 1 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sdc1 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: COMMON protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 4777.0 multidrive: None , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: Already dumped primary: None drive: sdb dev: None uniqueID: 5 mountpoint: None requestSize: 4761.45263672 size: 4761.45263672 end: 156248189 encryption: None grow: 0 start: 146496735 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 resizable: True format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sdb2 maxSizeMB: None targetSize: None fsprofile: None fslabel: /backup protected: 0 maxResizeSize: 4761.0 multidrive: None ] id.partitions.autoEncrypt: False id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: physical volume (LVM) format: 1 device: None drive: None primary: None size: 0 grow: 1 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: None , VG Request -- name: lvm uniqueID: None format: 1 pesize: 32768 physvols: [] , LV Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 size: 1024 lvname: LogVol00 volgroup: lvm options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: 'None' , New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 device: None drive: None primary: None size: 200 grow: 0 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: None , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: swap format: 1 size: 1000 lvname: LogVol01 volgroup: lvm options: 'None' fsprofile: None encryption: 'None' ] id.partitions.deletes: [] id.isHeadless: 0 id.videocard: Already dumped id.instLanguage: Already dumped Security instance, containing members: 1 id.upgradeSwapInfo: None dir: 1 backend: Already dumped /tmp/syslog: <6>Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset <5>Linux version ( (gcc version 4.3.1 20080728 (stable) (Momonga Linux 5 4.3.1-7m.mo5) ) #1 SMP Wed Oct 1 04:20:05 JST 2008 <6>BIOS-provided physical RAM map: <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009ec00 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 00000000bfe0ac00 (usable) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000bfe0ac00 - 00000000bfe0cc00 (ACPI NVS) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000bfe0ec00 - 00000000bfe5cc00 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000bfe5cc00 - 00000000bfe5ec00 (ACPI data) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000bfe5ec00 - 00000000c0000000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000e0000000 - 00000000f0000000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000fe000000 - 00000000ff000000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 00000000ffb00000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved) <4> BIOS-e820: 0000000100000000 - 0000000140000000 (usable) <6>x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106 <4>Warning only 4GB will be used. <4>Use a HIGHMEM64G enabled kernel. <5>3200MB HIGHMEM available. <5>896MB LOWMEM available. <6>found SMP MP-table at [c00fe710] 000fe710 <6>Using x86 segment limits to approximate NX protection <7>Entering add_active_range(0, 0, 1048576) 0 entries of 256 used <4>Zone PFN ranges: <4> DMA 0 -> 4096 <4> Normal 4096 -> 229376 <4> HighMem 229376 -> 1048576 <4>Movable zone start PFN for each node <4>early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges <4> 0: 0 -> 1048576 <7>On node 0 totalpages: 1048576 <7> DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap <7> DMA zone: 0 pages reserved <7> DMA zone: 4064 pages, LIFO batch:0 <7> Normal zone: 1760 pages used for memmap <7> Normal zone: 223520 pages, LIFO batch:31 <7> HighMem zone: 6400 pages used for memmap <7> HighMem zone: 812800 pages, LIFO batch:31 <7> Movable zone: 0 pages used for memmap <6>DMI 2.3 present. <6>Using APIC driver default <4>ACPI: RSDP 000FEBF0, 0024 (r2 DELL ) <4>ACPI: XSDT 000FCE54, 006C (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: FACP 000FCF7C, 00F4 (r3 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: DSDT FFF5E936, 3D2F (r1 DELL dt_ex 1000 INTL 20050624) <4>ACPI: FACS BFE0AC00, 0040 <4>ACPI: SSDT FFF62786, 00AC (r1 DELL st_ex 1000 INTL 20050624) <4>ACPI: APIC 000FD070, 009E (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: BOOT 000FD10E, 0028 (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: ASF! 000FD136, 0067 (r16 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: MCFG 000FD19D, 003E (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: HPET 000FD1DB, 0038 (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: TCPA 000FD437, 0032 (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <4>ACPI: SLIC 000FD213, 0176 (r1 DELL B8K D ASL 61) <5>ACPI: DMI detected: Dell PR 390 <6>ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x808 <7>ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000 <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x00] enabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x02] lapic_id[0x06] enabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x03] lapic_id[0x01] enabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x04] lapic_id[0x07] enabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x05] lapic_id[0x00] disabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x06] lapic_id[0x01] disabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x07] lapic_id[0x02] disabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x08] lapic_id[0x03] disabled) <6>ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0xff] high edge lint[0x1]) <6>ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x08] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0]) <6>IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 8, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23 <6>ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x09] address[0xfec80000] gsi_base[24]) <6>IOAPIC[1]: apic_id 9, version 32, address 0xfec80000, GSI 24-47 <6>ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 dfl dfl) <6>ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level) <7>ACPI: IRQ0 used by override. <7>ACPI: IRQ2 used by override. <7>ACPI: IRQ9 used by override. <4>Enabling APIC mode: Flat. Using 2 I/O APICs <6>ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000 <6>Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information <4>Allocating PCI resources starting at c2000000 (gap: c0000000:20000000) <6>PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009e000 - 00000000000f0000 <6>PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000f0000 - 0000000000100000 <6>SMP: Allowing 8 CPUs, 4 hotplug CPUs <6>PERCPU: Allocating 41384 bytes of per cpu data <7>NR_CPUS: 32, nr_cpu_ids: 8 <4>Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 1040384 <5>Kernel command line: initrd=initrd.img text BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz <7>mapped APIC to ffffb000 (fee00000) <7>mapped IOAPIC to ffffa000 (fec00000) <7>mapped IOAPIC to ffff9000 (fec80000) <6>Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done. <6>Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done. <6>Initializing CPU#0 <4>CPU 0 irqstacks, hard=c080f000 soft=c07ef000 <4>PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 12, 16384 bytes) <4>Detected 2992.569 MHz processor. <4>Console: colour VGA+ 80x25 <6>console [tty0] enabled <6>Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) <6>Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) <6>Memory: 3093396k/4194304k available (2373k kernel code, 49144k reserved, 1309k data, 304k init, 2226216k highmem) <6>virtual kernel memory layout: <4> fixmap : 0xffe13000 - 0xfffff000 (1968 kB) <4> pkmap : 0xff800000 - 0xffc00000 (4096 kB) <4> vmalloc : 0xf8800000 - 0xff7fe000 ( 111 MB) <4> lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xf8000000 ( 896 MB) <4> .init : 0xc07a0000 - 0xc07ec000 ( 304 kB) <4> .data : 0xc0651520 - 0xc0798980 (1309 kB) <4> .text : 0xc0400000 - 0xc0651520 (2373 kB) <6>Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok. <7>CPA: page pool initialized 1 of 1 pages preallocated <6>SLUB: Genslabs=12, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=8, Nodes=1 <7>hpet clockevent registered <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 5988.82 BogoMIPS (lpj=2994413) <6>Security Framework initialized <6>SELinux: Initializing. <7>SELinux: Starting in permissive mode <6>selinux_register_security: Registering secondary module capability <6>Capability LSM initialized as secondary <4>Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 <6>Initializing cgroup subsys ns <6>Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct <6>Initializing cgroup subsys devices <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 4096K <6>CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0 <6>CPU: Processor Core ID: 0 <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0. <6>using mwait in idle threads. <6>Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK. <6>ACPI: Core revision 20080321 <4>ENABLING IO-APIC IRQs <6>..TIMER: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1 <6>CPU0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz stepping 06 <4>CPU 1 irqstacks, hard=c0810000 soft=c07f0000 <6>Booting processor 1/6 ip 6000 <6>Initializing CPU#1 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 5985.03 BogoMIPS (lpj=2992517) <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 4096K <6>CPU: Physical Processor ID: 3 <6>CPU: Processor Core ID: 0 <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#1. <6>x86 PAT enabled: cpu 1, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106 <6>CPU1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz stepping 06 <6>checking TSC synchronization [CPU#0 -> CPU#1]: passed. <4>CPU 2 irqstacks, hard=c0811000 soft=c07f1000 <6>Booting processor 2/1 ip 6000 <6>Initializing CPU#2 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 5985.03 BogoMIPS (lpj=2992516) <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 4096K <6>CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0 <6>CPU: Processor Core ID: 1 <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#2. <6>x86 PAT enabled: cpu 2, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106 <6>CPU2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz stepping 06 <6>checking TSC synchronization [CPU#0 -> CPU#2]: passed. <4>CPU 3 irqstacks, hard=c0812000 soft=c07f2000 <6>Booting processor 3/7 ip 6000 <6>Initializing CPU#3 <4>Calibrating delay using timer specific routine.. 5985.03 BogoMIPS (lpj=2992515) <6>CPU: L1 I cache: 32K, L1 D cache: 32K <6>CPU: L2 cache: 4096K <6>CPU: Physical Processor ID: 3 <6>CPU: Processor Core ID: 1 <6>Intel machine check architecture supported. <6>Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#3. <6>x86 PAT enabled: cpu 3, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106 <6>CPU3: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU 5160 @ 3.00GHz stepping 06 <6>checking TSC synchronization [CPU#0 -> CPU#3]: passed. <6>Brought up 4 CPUs <6>Total of 4 processors activated (23943.92 BogoMIPS). <7>sizeof(vma)=84 bytes <7>sizeof(page)=32 bytes <7>sizeof(inode)=340 bytes <7>sizeof(dentry)=132 bytes <7>sizeof(ext3inode)=492 bytes <7>sizeof(buffer_head)=56 bytes <7>sizeof(skbuff)=180 bytes <7>sizeof(task_struct)=3200 bytes <7>CPU0 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 0,2 <7> groups: 0 2 <7> domain 1: span 0-3 <7> groups: 0,2 1,3 <7>CPU1 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 1,3 <7> groups: 1 3 <7> domain 1: span 0-3 <7> groups: 1,3 0,2 <7>CPU2 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 0,2 <7> groups: 2 0 <7> domain 1: span 0-3 <7> groups: 0,2 1,3 <7>CPU3 attaching sched-domain: <7> domain 0: span 1,3 <7> groups: 3 1 <7> domain 1: span 0-3 <7> groups: 1,3 0,2 <6>net_namespace: 660 bytes <6>Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware <6>NET: Registered protocol family 16 <6>ACPI FADT declares the system doesn't support PCIe ASPM, so disable it <6>ACPI: bus type pci registered <5>PCI: MCFG configuration 0: base e0000000 segment 0 buses 0 - 255 <6>PCI: Not using MMCONFIG. <6>PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfb8c6, last bus=12 <6>PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access <6>Setting up standard PCI resources <7>ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT <5>ACPI: BIOS _OSI(Linux) query ignored via DMI <5>ACPI: If "acpi_osi=Linux" works better, please notify <6>ACPI: Interpreter enabled <6>ACPI: (supports S0 S1 S3 S4 S5) <6>ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing <5>PCI: MCFG configuration 0: base e0000000 segment 0 buses 0 - 255 <3>PCI: BIOS Bug: MCFG area at e0000000 is not reserved in ACPI motherboard resources <6>PCI: Not using MMCONFIG. <6>ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (0000:00) <6>PCI: Transparent bridge - 0000:00:1e.0 <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI2._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI2.PCI3._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI2.PCI3.PCIF._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI2.PCI3.PCIG._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI2.PCI5._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI6._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI7._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI8._PRT] <7>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCI9._PRT] <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 *11 12 15) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 *5 6 7 9 10 11 12 15) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 *5 6 7 9 10 11 12 15) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 15) *0, disabled. <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *9 10 11 12 15) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 *10 11 12 15) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *9 10 11 12 15) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 9 *10 11 12 15) <4>ACPI Warning (tbutils-0217): Incorrect checksum in table [TCPA] - 00, should be 90 [20080321] <6>Linux Plug and Play Support v0.97 (c) Adam Belay <6>pnp: PnP ACPI init <6>ACPI: bus type pnp registered <6>pnp: PnP ACPI: found 10 devices <6>ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered <5>SCSI subsystem initialized <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver hub <6>usbcore: registered new device driver usb <6>PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing <6>NetLabel: Initializing <6>NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 <6>NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 <6>NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default <6>hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0 <6>hpet0: 3 64-bit timers, 14318180 Hz <4>ACPI: RTC can wake from S4 <7>Switched to high resolution mode on CPU 0 <7>Switched to high resolution mode on CPU 2 <7>Switched to high resolution mode on CPU 1 <7>Switched to high resolution mode on CPU 3 <6>system 00:01: ioport range 0x800-0x85f has been reserved <6>system 00:01: ioport range 0xc00-0xc7f has been reserved <6>system 00:01: ioport range 0x860-0x8ff has been reserved <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:02:00.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: disabled. <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:02:01.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: disabled. <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:01:00.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: disabled. <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:01:00.3 <6> IO window: d000-dfff <6> MEM window: 0xdd000000-0xddffffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:02.0 <6> IO window: d000-dfff <6> MEM window: 0xdd000000-0xdeffffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:03.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: 0xdcf00000-0xdcffffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:04.0 <6> IO window: c000-cfff <6> MEM window: 0xda000000-0xdcefffff <6> PREFETCH window: 0x00000000c0000000-0x00000000cfffffff <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:05.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: 0xd9f00000-0xd9ffffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:06.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: 0xd9e00000-0xd9efffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:07.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: 0xd9d00000-0xd9dfffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:1c.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: 0xd9000000-0xd9cfffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>PCI: Bridge: 0000:00:1e.0 <6> IO window: disabled. <6> MEM window: 0xd8000000-0xd8ffffff <6> PREFETCH window: disabled. <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:02.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:02.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:01:00.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:01:00.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:00.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:00.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:01.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:01.0 to 64 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:01:00.3 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:03.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:03.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:04.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:04.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:05.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:05.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:06.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:06.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:07.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:07.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1c.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1c.0 to 64 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1e.0 to 64 <6>NET: Registered protocol family 2 <6>IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes) <6>TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes) <6>TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) <6>TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536) <6>TCP reno registered <6>NET: Registered protocol family 1 <6>checking if image is initramfs... it is <6>Freeing initrd memory: 10254k freed <6>Simple Boot Flag at 0x7a set to 0x1 <6>apm: BIOS version 1.2 Flags 0x03 (Driver version 1.16ac) <5>apm: disabled - APM is not SMP safe. <6>audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled) <5>type=2000 audit(1224710878.256:1): initialized <4>highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages <4>Total HugeTLB memory allocated, 0 <5>VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.1 <4>Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes) <6>msgmni has been set to 1715 <7>SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks <6>Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 252) <6>io scheduler noop registered <6>io scheduler anticipatory registered <6>io scheduler deadline registered <6>io scheduler cfq registered (default) <7>pci 0000:07:00.0: Boot video device <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:02.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:02.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:03.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:03.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:04.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:04.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:05.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:05.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:06.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:06.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:07.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:07.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1c.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>Allocate Port Service[0000:00:1c.0:pcie00] <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:01:00.0 to 64 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:00.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:02:01.0 to 64 <4>assign_interrupt_mode Found MSI capability <6>pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 <6>input: Power Button (FF) as /class/input/input0 <6>ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF] <6>input: Power Button (CM) as /class/input/input1 <6>ACPI: Power Button (CM) [VBTN] <6>ACPI: ACPI0007:00 is registered as cooling_device0 <6>ACPI: ACPI0007:01 is registered as cooling_device1 <6>ACPI: ACPI0007:02 is registered as cooling_device2 <6>ACPI: ACPI0007:03 is registered as cooling_device3 <6>isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards... <6>isapnp: No Plug & Play device found <7>hpet_resources: 0xfed00000 is busy <6>Non-volatile memory driver v1.2 <6>Linux agpgart interface v0.103 <6>Serial: 8250/16550 driver $Revision: 1.90 $ 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled <6>serial8250: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A <6>serial8250: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A <6>00:07: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A <6>00:08: ttyS1 at I/O 0x2f8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A <6>brd: module loaded <6>input: Macintosh mouse button emulation as /class/input/input2 <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver libusual <6>PNP: No PS/2 controller found. Probing ports directly. <6>serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 <6>serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 <6>mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice <6>rtc_cmos 00:05: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0 <6>rtc0: alarms up to one day <6>device-mapper: uevent: version 1.0.3 <6>device-mapper: ioctl: 4.13.0-ioctl (2007-10-18) initialised: <6>cpuidle: using governor ladder <6>cpuidle: using governor menu <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver hiddev <6>usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid <6>usbhid: v2.6:USB HID core driver <6>NET: Registered protocol family 26 <6>TCP cubic registered <6>Initializing XFRM netlink socket <6>NET: Registered protocol family 17 <4>Using IPI No-Shortcut mode <4>registered taskstats version 1 <6>rtc_cmos 00:05: setting system clock to 2008-10-22 21:27:59 UTC (1224710879) <6>Freeing unused kernel memory: 304k freed <6>RPC: Registered udp transport module. <6>RPC: Registered tcp transport module. <6>loop: module loaded <6>Floppy drive(s): fd0 is 1.44M <4>floppy0: no floppy controllers found <6>BIOS EDD facility v0.16 2004-Jun-25, 6 devices found <6>input: PC Speaker as /class/input/input3 <6>squashfs: version 3.3 (2007/10/31) Phillip Lougher <6>Loading iSCSI transport class v2.0-869. <5>iscsi: registered transport (tcp) <6>NET: Registered protocol family 10 <6>lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions <27>Oct 22 21:28:02 udevd-event[987]: node_symlink: device node '/dev/rtc' already exists, link to '/dev/rtc0' will not overwrite it <6>USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver v3.0 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.0[A] -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.0 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 21, io base 0x0000ff80 <6>usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>No dock devices found. <6>Fusion MPT base driver 3.04.06 <6>Copyright (c) 1999-2007 LSI Corporation <7>libata version 3.00 loaded. <6>Fusion MPT SAS Host driver 3.04.06 <6>usb usb1: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 <6>usb usb1: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 <6>usb usb1: Product: UHCI Host Controller <6>usb usb1: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd <6>usb usb1: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.0 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.1[B] -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.1 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: irq 22, io base 0x0000ff60 <6>usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>usb usb2: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 <6>usb usb2: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 <6>usb usb2: Product: UHCI Host Controller <6>usb usb2: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd <6>usb usb2: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.1 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.2[C] -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.2 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: irq 18, io base 0x0000ff40 <6>usb usb3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>usb usb3: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 <6>usb usb3: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 <6>usb usb3: Product: UHCI Host Controller <6>usb usb3: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd <6>usb usb3: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.2 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.3[D] -> GSI 23 (level, low) -> IRQ 23 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.3 to 64 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: UHCI Host Controller <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4 <6>uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: irq 23, io base 0x0000ff20 <6>usb usb4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 4-0:1.0: 2 ports detected <6>usb usb4: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0001 <6>usb usb4: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 <6>usb usb4: Product: UHCI Host Controller <6>usb usb4: Manufacturer: Linux uhci_hcd <6>usb usb4: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.3 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1d.7[A] -> GSI 21 (level, low) -> IRQ 21 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1d.7 to 64 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: EHCI Host Controller <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5 <6>usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: debug port 1 <7>PCI: cache line size of 32 is not supported by device 0000:00:1d.7 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: irq 21, io mem 0xff980800 <6>ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004 <6>usb usb5: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 5-0:1.0: 8 ports detected <6>usb usb5: New USB device found, idVendor=1d6b, idProduct=0002 <6>usb usb5: New USB device strings: Mfr=3, Product=2, SerialNumber=1 <6>usb usb5: Product: EHCI Host Controller <6>usb usb5: Manufacturer: Linux ehci_hcd <6>usb usb5: SerialNumber: 0000:00:1d.7 <7>ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1f.2[C] -> GSI 20 (level, low) -> IRQ 20 <3>usb 2-2: device not accepting address 2, error -71 <3>hub 2-0:1.0: unable to enumerate USB device on port 2 <6>usb 5-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2 <6>usb 5-4: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>hub 5-4:1.0: USB hub found <6>hub 5-4:1.0: 3 ports detected <6>usb 5-4: New USB device found, idVendor=0409, idProduct=005a <6>usb 5-4: New USB device strings: Mfr=0, Product=0, SerialNumber=0 <6>ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 6 ports 3 Gbps 0x7 impl SATA mode <6>ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq pm led slum part <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1f.2 to 64 <6>scsi0 : ahci <6>scsi1 : ahci <6>scsi2 : ahci <6>scsi3 : ahci <6>scsi4 : ahci <6>scsi5 : ahci <6>ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xff970000 port 0xff970100 irq 20 <6>ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xff970000 port 0xff970180 irq 20 <6>ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xff970000 port 0xff970200 irq 20 <6>ata4: DUMMY <6>ata5: DUMMY <6>ata6: DUMMY <6>usb 5-4.1: new full speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 4 <6>usb 5-4.1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>ata1: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300) <6>input: Topre Corporation HHKB Professional as /class/input/input4 <6>input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Keyboard [Topre Corporation HHKB Professional] on usb-0000:00:1d.7-4.1 <6>usb 5-4.1: New USB device found, idVendor=0853, idProduct=0100 <6>usb 5-4.1: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=0 <6>usb 5-4.1: Product: HHKB Professional <6>usb 5-4.1: Manufacturer: Topre Corporation <6>usb 3-1: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 2 <6>ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300) <6>usb 3-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice <6>input: Dell Dell USB Mouse as /class/input/input5 <6>input,hidraw1: USB HID v1.10 Mouse [Dell Dell USB Mouse] on usb-0000:00:1d.2-1 <6>usb 3-1: New USB device found, idVendor=413c, idProduct=3200 <6>usb 3-1: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=1, SerialNumber=0 <6>usb 3-1: Product: Dell USB Mouse <6>usb 3-1: Manufacturer: Dell <6>ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300) <6>tg3.c:v3.92.1 (June 9, 2008) <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:0b:00.0[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:0b:00.0 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:05:0b.0[A] -> GSI 24 (level, low) -> IRQ 24 <6>mptbase: ioc0: Initiating bringup <6>eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM5752KFBG) rev 6002 PHY(5752)] (PCI Express) 10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet 00:19:b9:26:fc:62 <6>eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[1] <6>eth0: dma_rwctrl[76180000] dma_mask[64-bit] <6>ioc0: LSISAS1068 B0: Capabilities={Initiator} <6>scsi6 : ioc0: LSISAS1068 B0, FwRev=00063200h, Ports=1, MaxQ=511, IRQ=24 <5>scsi 6:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA ST3808110AS J PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 <5>scsi 6:0:1:0: Direct-Access ATA ST3808110AS J PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 <5>scsi 6:0:2:0: Direct-Access ATA ST3320620AS E PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:0c:0a.0[A] -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18 <4>Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] 156250000 512-byte hardware sectors (80000 MB) <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off <7>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 67 00 00 08 <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] 156250000 512-byte hardware sectors (80000 MB) <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off <7>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 67 00 00 08 <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <6> sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 <5>sd 6:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] 156250000 512-byte hardware sectors (80000 MB) <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off <7>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 67 00 00 08 <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] 156250000 512-byte hardware sectors (80000 MB) <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Write Protect is off <7>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Mode Sense: 67 00 00 08 <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <6> sdb:<5>firewire_ohci: Added fw-ohci device 0000:0c:0a.0, OHCI version 1.10 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1f.1[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1f.1 to 64 <6>ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:00:1f.1 disabled <7>ata_piix 0000:00:1f.1: version 2.12 <6>ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:1f.1[A] -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 <7>PCI: Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:1f.1 to 64 <6>scsi7 : ata_piix <6>scsi8 : ata_piix <6>ata7: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xffa0 irq 14 <6>ata8: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 15 <4> sdb1 sdb2 <5>sd 6:0:1:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI disk <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] 625142448 512-byte hardware sectors (320073 MB) <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off <7>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 67 00 00 08 <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] 625142448 512-byte hardware sectors (320073 MB) <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Write Protect is off <7>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 67 00 00 08 <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA <6> sdc: sdc1 sdc2 < sdc5 sdc6 sdc7 sdc8 sdc9 > <5>sd 6:0:2:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk <5>sd 6:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0 <5>sd 6:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0 <5>sd 6:0:2:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 0 <6>ata7.00: ATAPI: PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112D, 1.06, max UDMA/66 <6>ata7.00: configured for UDMA/66 <7>ata8: port disabled. ignoring. <5>scsi 7:0:0:0: CD-ROM PIONEER DVD-RW DVR-112D 1.06 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 <5>scsi 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg3 type 5 <4>Driver 'sr' needs updating - please use bus_type methods <4>sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 40x/40x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray <6>Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20 <7>sr 7:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr0 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <4>Unable to load NLS charset utf8 <4>Unable to load NLS charset utf8 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <5>firewire_core: created device fw0: GUID 80b9190062fc2600, S400 <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready <6>tg3: eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex. <6>tg3: eth0: Flow control is on for TX and on for RX. <6>ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready <7>eth0: no IPv6 routers present <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: Microsoft Joliet Level 3 <4>Unable to load NLS charset utf8 <4>Unable to load NLS charset utf8 <7>ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A <4>ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format. <4>VFS: Can't find an ext2 filesystem on dev loop0. <7>SELinux: 8192 avtab hash slots, 171672 rules. <7>SELinux: 8192 avtab hash slots, 171672 rules. <7>SELinux: 5 users, 12 roles, 2380 types, 117 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats <7>SELinux: 72 classes, 171672 rules <6>SELinux: permission open in class dir not defined in policy <6>SELinux: permission open in class file not defined in policy <6>SELinux: permission open in class chr_file not defined in policy <6>SELinux: permission open in class blk_file not defined in policy <6>SELinux: permission open in class fifo_file not defined in policy <7>SELinux: Completing initialization. <7>SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev loop0, type squashfs), not configured for labeling <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sr0, type iso9660), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev usbfs, type usbfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev ramfs, type ramfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev selinuxfs, type selinuxfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev mqueue, type mqueue), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev hugetlbfs, type hugetlbfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev devpts, type devpts), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev inotifyfs, type inotifyfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev tmpfs, type tmpfs), uses transition SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev anon_inodefs, type anon_inodefs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev pipefs, type pipefs), uses task SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev debugfs, type debugfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sockfs, type sockfs), uses task SIDs <7>SELinux: initialized (dev proc, type proc), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev bdev, type bdev), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sysfs, type sysfs), uses genfs_contexts <6>SELinux: policy loaded with handle_unknown=allow <5>type=1403 audit(1224710967.295:2): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 <6>md: raid0 personality registered for level 0 <6>md: raid1 personality registered for level 1 <6>xor: automatically using best checksumming function: pIII_sse <6> pIII_sse : 10764.000 MB/sec <6>xor: using function: pIII_sse (10764.000 MB/sec) <6>async_tx: api initialized (async) <4>raid6: int32x1 1082 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x2 1160 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x4 867 MB/s <4>raid6: int32x8 812 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx1 3843 MB/s <4>raid6: mmxx2 3800 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x1 2031 MB/s <4>raid6: sse1x2 3992 MB/s <4>raid6: sse2x1 3250 MB/s <4>raid6: sse2x2 7832 MB/s <4>raid6: using algorithm sse2x2 (7832 MB/s) <6>md: raid6 personality registered for level 6 <6>md: raid5 personality registered for level 5 <6>md: raid4 personality registered for level 4 <6>md: raid10 personality registered for level 10 <6>md: linear personality registered for level -1 <4>GFS2 (built Oct 1 2008 04:23:50) installed <6>Lock_Nolock (built Oct 1 2008 04:24:33) installed <6>Loading Reiser4. See for a description of Reiser4. <6>Btrfs v0.16 loaded <6>JFS: nTxBlock = 8192, nTxLock = 65536 <6>SGI XFS with ACLs, security attributes, large block numbers, no debug enabled <6>SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem <6>device-mapper: multipath: version 1.0.5 loaded <6>device-mapper: multipath round-robin: version 1.0.0 loaded <6>device-mapper: multipath emc: version 0.0.3 loaded <6>warning: `dbus-daemon' uses deprecated v2 capabilities in a way that may be insecure. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sda2, type ext2), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdb2, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdb2, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdc6, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdc6, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdc7, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdc7, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdc8, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdc8, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdc9, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdc9, type ext3), uses xattr <27>Oct 22 21:33:49 udevd[2021]: init_udevd_socket: bind failed: Address already in use <27>Oct 22 21:33:49 udevd[2021]: main: another udev daemon already running <6>Adding 10008452k swap on /dev/sdc5. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:10008452k <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdc6, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdc6, type ext3), uses xattr <6>kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds <6>EXT3 FS on sdc9, internal journal <6>EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sdc9, type ext3), uses xattr <7>SELinux: initialized (dev sda2, type ext2), uses xattr <6>sr 7:0:0:0: [sr0] Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE,SUGGEST_OK <6>sr 7:0:0:0: [sr0] Sense Key : Medium Error [current] <4>Info fld=0xe5ce <6>sr 7:0:0:0: [sr0] Add. Sense: L-EC uncorrectable error <3>end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 235320 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58830 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58831 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58832 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58833 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58834 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58835 <3>Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 58836 /tmp/anaconda.log: 21:27:59 INFO : kernel command line: initrd=initrd.img text BOOT_IMAGE=vmlinuz 21:27:59 INFO : text mode forced from cmdline 21:27:59 INFO : anaconda version on i386 starting 21:27:59 INFO : fwloader: starting firmware loader 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: starting up (pid 577) 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: entering event loop 21:27:59 INFO : 3104740 kB are available 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:27:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action remove 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem edd got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem edd got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem edd got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem edd got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem edd got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem edd got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem iscsi_transport got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : probing buses 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem dmi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem graphics got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem iscsi_transport got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem mem got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem net got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem rtc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem thermal got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem thermal got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem thermal got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem thermal got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : waiting for hardware to initialize 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem tty got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usbmon got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vtconsole got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem acpi got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci_express got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pci got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem platform got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem serio got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem serio got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem platform got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem platform got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem platform got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem pnp got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_host got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usbmon got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bus got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_host got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usbmon got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_host got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usbmon got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_host got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usbmon got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_host got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usbmon got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem hidraw got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem input got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem hidraw got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem usb_endpoint got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem net got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_host got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_port got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_end_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_port got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_end_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_port got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_end_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem sas_phy got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_disk got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_disk got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_host got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_disk got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem class got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_generic got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_generic got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_generic got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_device got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi_generic got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bsg got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem bdi got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem drivers got action add 21:28:06 INFO : trying to mount CD device /dev/sr0 on /mnt/source 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:06 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:28:07 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:28:07 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:28:07 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem firewire got action add 21:28:08 DEBUG : going to set language to en_US.UTF-8 21:28:08 INFO : setting language to en_US.UTF-8 21:28:08 INFO : 50 keymaps are available 21:28:11 INFO : need to set up networking 21:28:11 INFO : going to pick interface 21:28:11 INFO : only have one network device: eth0 21:28:11 INFO : going to do getNetConfig 21:28:11 INFO : eth0 is not a wireless adapter 21:28:53 DEBUG : device = eth0 21:28:53 DEBUG : ipv4 = 21:28:53 DEBUG : broadcast = 21:28:53 DEBUG : netmask = 21:28:53 DEBUG : network = 21:28:53 DEBUG : gateway = 21:28:54 DEBUG : waiting for link eth0... 21:28:56 DEBUG : 2 seconds. 21:28:56 DEBUG : sleep (nicdelay) for 0 secs first 21:28:56 DEBUG : continuing... 21:28:56 INFO : reverse name lookup worked (hostname is ***) 21:28:56 INFO : starting to STEP_URL 21:29:13 DEBUG : url address 21:29:13 DEBUG : url prefix /pub/momonga/5/ 21:29:13 INFO : trying to mount CD device /dev/sr0 on /mnt/source 21:29:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem scsi got action change 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:15 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:15 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:15 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:15 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:15 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:15 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:29:15 INFO : mounted loopback device /mnt/runtime on /dev/loop0 as /mnt/source/images/stage2.img 21:29:15 INFO : Detected stage 2 image on CD 21:29:18 INFO : got url 21:29:19 INFO : Loading SELinux policy 21:29:27 INFO : getting ready to spawn shell now 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: got exit signal, quitting 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:29:27 INFO : fwloader: starting firmware loader 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: starting up (pid 1642) 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: entering event loop 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem misc got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem slab got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:27 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem module got action add 21:29:28 INFO : Running anaconda script /usr/bin/anaconda 21:29:54 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem uids got action add 21:29:59 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem uids got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:13 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:30:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:30:14 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:31:46 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:31:46 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:31:46 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:31:46 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:49 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:49 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:49 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:49 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:50 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:50 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:51 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:51 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action remove 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:52 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem block got action add 21:33:53 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:53 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:53 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:53 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:33:53 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:33:53 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:02 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:03 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:04 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action add 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove 21:34:05 DEBUG : fwloader: subsystem vc got action remove o mount sys on /sys 21:34:05 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /sys to False 21:34:05 DEBUG : mounting sys on /mnt/sysimage//sys as sysfs 21:34:05 DEBUG : going to mount sys on /mnt/sysimage/sys with options defaults 21:34:05 INFO : set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem root at /sys to False 21:34:05 INFO : trying to mount proc on /proc 21:34:05 INFO : set SELinux context for mountpoint /proc to False 21:34:05 DEBUG : mounting proc on /mnt/sysimage//proc as proc 21:34:05 DEBUG : going to mount proc on /mnt/sysimage/proc with options defaults 21:34:05 INFO : set SELinux context for newly mounted filesystem root at /proc to False 21:34:05 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloadersetup 21:34:05 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloader 21:34:08 WARNING : step complete does not exist 21:34:44 WARNING : step complete does not exist 21:34:44 INFO : moving (1) to step reposetup 21:34:44 INFO : added repository Additional Momonga Software with URL 21:34:44 INFO : Using /mnt/source/images/stage2.img as stage2 image 21:36:33 CRITICAL: error transferring stage2.img: [Errno 5] Input/output error 21:36:49 INFO : moving (-1) to step bootloader 21:36:55 WARNING : step complete does not exist 21:36:55 INFO : moving (1) to step reposetup 21:36:55 INFO : added repository Additional Momonga Software with URL 21:36:55 INFO : Using /mnt/source/images/stage2.img as stage2 image /tmp/netinfo: DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=***.***.***.*** NETMASK=***.***.***.*** GATEWAY=***.***.***.*** BROADCAST=***.***.***.*** HOSTNAME=*** DOMAIN=*** /tmp/lvmout: Running... ['lvm', 'vgchange', '-an', '-v']